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Manning the phones with composure and compassion: Salesforce software enables better support for helpline callers

Technology empowers people. We guided Men’s Development Network on every step of this journey and left the team fully trained and motivated to use their new state-of-the-art software to its maximum potential.  The helpline is salvation to callers, often during the lowest moments of their lives. We take pride in the knowledge that we have provided the best possible tools to the experts that provide essential support to men in crisis.

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Changing futures with Royal Springboard: How Salesforce is helping young people to thrive through education

We are ambitious and future-focussed, and so we worked with Royal Springboard to envision the very best version of the charity’s future and then constructed a purpose-built tool to create it. We consulted in-depth with the people who would use the information, day-in day-out, to make sure we aligned with their needs and preferences.

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Expert tuition for training providers: Cirrico’s sector specialism ramps up Salesforce impact at JTL

The charity has freed hours of time, simply by fine-tuning a system that they were already invested in. By operating at this level of efficiency, JTL staff have more time, energy and focus to dedicate to their goal of kickstarting the careers of thousands of men and women nationwide.

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