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Learning Salesforce As A Business

Training a team to use the new or a longstanding Salesforce system is critical to making a business run smoothly. Training staff also creates a platform where new ideas can be generated.

Train staff to make the most out of Salesforce


Getting a new technology solution of any kind brings challenges and hurdles. One of the biggest hurdles being that all members of staff need to know how to use the system. This is just how to use Salesforce in general, but how to use businesses specific configured Salesforce.


For a business which has recently implemented Salesforce, change management tactics can be employed to help staff thrive. For a Salesforce system that has been in place for a while, there may well be processes that staff have started to use that could be automated or integrated with other data.

Training on a Cirrico system

Cirrico offers training on any solution that we have built or implemented into an org. We won’t just train system admins, we will also train staff who will be using the system day to day. We always aim to train the trainer, this way admins and staff are empowered to teach other staff about how to use the Salesforce system.

Admin training from Cirrico

The majority of features and functionality within Salesforce is the same, no matter how big an organisation is or what area the business is in. We have a library of content around the functions of all Salesforce systems. Cirrico can also provide admin training to teams on request through our Managed Service offering.

Learning on Trailhead

Salesforce has its own training platform called Trailhead. On this platform Cirrico can create custom trails for an organisation with the parts of Salesforce that a business will be using. Cirrico can also work with businesses to add their own content to custom modules with Trailhead.

Learning Salesforce

Businesses that are operating a Salesforce system but have not trained their staff are not making the most out of their Salesforce system and will have a poor ROI. Below are some the issues a business with poorly trained staff could face.


Inability to troubleshoot simple Salesforce issues


No consistent or reusable training methods for new team members


Not maximising the Salesforce system to its full capabilities


Not all team members using the Salesforce system

The benefits of learning Salesforce

Having a team of staff who know how to use a businesses Salesforce sytem helps make the most of its capabilities, ensuring a high ROI. Below are some of the benefits a business can gain when its staff are well trained on their Salesforce system.


Team members can troubleshoot simple Salesforce issues


All team members aligned to Using the Salesforce system


Increased efficiency


New team members have a reusable training deck that they can follow to learn how to use the Salesforce system

Empower your staff with the power of Salesforce

If you are interested in Salesforce and want to work with Cirrico to grow your business through a Salesforce solution, then get in contact now. Cirrico are a summit partner, the highest tier a Salesforce partner can achieve, meaning you’re in the perfect place for Salesforce support.

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