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Grant Management Solutions

Our goal is to make the grant application process as efficient as possible. By enabling seamless collaboration, we cut down the time spent on admin work, allowing charities to focus on their missions and creating impact.

Grant Management solutions enable nonprofits to do more


We know funders have huge amounts of applications, reporting, data and administration needs. We understand that efficiency is key as well as having all data in one place so that nonprofits can do more with the team they have. We want to help foundations and grant-making organisations do more through technology.


It’s not uncommon for us to help people within grant-making organisations move away from spreadsheets, paper-based systems and various other areas which are time-consuming. We also work with clients closely to automate many aspects saving them precious hours to do the more important, human-centered work.

Simplify the application process

Cirrico can help grant-makers customise grant applications based on the unique requirements for each funding opportunity easily. For any grants, grant-makers can send customised invitations to nonprofits they think would be a good fit.

Improve the user experience

For individuals, finding and applying for grants takes away vital time and resources from delivering on their mission. Cirrico can make it easy for them to find and apply for funding opportunities and view application statuses by creating a customisable grantee portal.

Gain a holistic view of due diligence

Our consultants can help organisations stay on top of due diligence before deciding on projects to invest in. We can help organisations look at past verification checks that are stored automatically so when a previous applicant applies, grants managers don’t have to repeat the process and they have historical context as to why a partner was funded or not.

Grant Management

We understand that grant makers face numerous administrative tasks that are highly time consuming throughout their day. Below are some of the issues grant makers can face without having a platform in place to help them.


Time-consuming administration


Nonprofits applying for a grant can’t easily go back in and edit their application


Poor experience with application adding more time to fundraisers workload


Data and Reporting is Difficult and Poor


Paper-based application forms, manual uploading and processing


Limited visibility on grants given by sectors


Insights and reporting takes a huge amount of time


Limited visibility of nonprofits applying for grants

Benefits of Grant Management

Grant Management is a suite of reusable, smart, and modular applications designed to connect clients with service providers. An open platform that can interface with any system, configured to strengthen user and beneficiary engagement and improve program outcomes. Below is a list of benefits organisations can gain from using Salesforce Grant Management.


Ability to have a 360 view of a grantees applications, communications, services, and awards


Teams can easily prompt when assessments and reports are due


Transparent platform for nonprofits to collaborate on grant applications


Enables organisations to view which areas of your criteria are lacking


Ability to set up workflow prompts for reports and priorities


Integration with online marketing software and tools


Better visibility on financial status


Clearer visibility on grants given in specific areas

Don’t take our word for it

Our customers are our best brand evangelists, when we helped out One Young World they had some very nice things to say about us.

I know that Salesforce has saved the team around 10 hours a week each by having Salesforce automate, and provide reports at the click of a button, thanks to the training that Cirrico provided it’s meant everyone can use the system efficiently.

Stefan Kovacevic - One Young World

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