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Salesforce For Colleges

We know how important it is to ensure that every investment you make has huge impacts in educational, fundraising and community related work. Salesforce technology helps colleges every day scale to become sustainable and allow their teams to achieve more through their technology.

Reaching new heights as a College Using Salesforce


We understand the demands placed on colleges and the incredible work that they do to provide help to the students, staff and research work that they do. We are passionate about implementing technology to enable educational institutions to do everything easier from reporting, gathering finances, programme management to the basic things like automating sending emails to everyone on their newsletter list in a few clicks of a button.


We are able to work with educational organisations of every size and type to ensure that you have the right technology in place and can accelerate with our support. These solutions are built in bespoke ways and are designed to provide organisations with answers to all their specific needs and wants.

Give students a usable online portal
With Experience Cloud, schools can create an online portal for student to manage their learning, finances and qualifications. Able to be viewed both on desktop and a smart phone and online portal will mean fewer enquires for staff to handle, as student and educators are able to self serve.


Simplify and automate the manual tasks that take time
For certain team members they may have tasks and processes that take a huge amount of time, such as a fundraiser pulling reports to manually segment data to email various people asking them to support their latest appeal. Cirrico can make this task flawless and easy through technology and training your team. 


Create curated email journeys to keep students on track
Using Pardot schools can create email, SMS and social journeys that automatically update given the process of the student and/or staff member. These will also create a lot of really useful data points, allowing schools to track lead drop off rates and when students are engaging in their programmes.


We've worked with...

Colleges using Salesforce


Education Cloud uses the power of the Salesforce 360 platform but tailoring to be used in Education. Putting students at its heart, Education Cloud has class structures, education plans, exam structures and many other in-built features to help your students thrive.

Schools are able to use Education Cloud to ensure that they have a unified view to engage in more personalised ways with their students and those that support them, or connect and help those that need their services. Reporting is made very easy, so that universities can have full visibility into people, funds, and outcomes, so can therefore  make better decisions that drive impact.

Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) provides organisations with a single source of truth delivering a 360 degree view of their supporters, service users, donors and more in one place.


Schools are able to use NPSP to ensure that they have a unified view to engage in more personalised ways with supporters, or connect and help those that need their services. Reporting is made very easy, so that universities have full visibility into people, funds, and outcomes.

Experience Cloud gives educational centres the ability to create an online portal for their users. Allowing them to self-service the many administrative parts of their education, meaning students and staff get to work where they like, when they like.

With Marketing Cloud, schools can send automated emails and create custom email journeys that automatically update as the student moves through campaign stages and/or navigates their way through their education.

Don’t take our word for it

Our customers are our best brand evangelists, when we helped out The Passage they had some very nice things to say about us.

Working with Cirrico, especially Janaid, was super! He became one of the team. We loved working with people who had worked in the nonprofit space themselves, who understood our challenges and could give us tangible and clear ideas of how we can use Salesforce.

Emma Noble - The Passage

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