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Plan for success with Salesforce

A Blueprint is a package of sessions where one of our Salesforce Consultants will take a businesses requirements, integrate them and plan out a solution that fits their needs. Giving the business a set of User Stories and recommendations on how to process with their Salesforce journey.

Plan with confidence through a Blueprint


For some businesses the idea of embarking on the course of a large technical project can be an incredibly daunting one. Not knowing which applications, systems or processes are going to need throughout this process, can put some businesses off embarking on this course altogether.


Furthermore, knowing what parts of the system will be vital and which parts are less needed can be hard to find for those not in the technical detail.

Discover what is needed

Part of the Blueprint process is for a Consultant to put some options to the business. Then for them to determine which part of the business processes are going to be converted to the new Salesforce system.

Discover the level of effort required

As Consultants, we often see a mismatch in terms of how easy/difficult we know something to be and how a client feels on the same question. The Blueprint process means that businesses have fewer surprises later down the track, allowing them to see upfront how much effort and money certain processes that they have as a business will cost to convert to a digital process.

Structured sessions

A Blueprint takes place over at least several days (sometimes over a week). With this in mind, businesses can segment the conversations so each team gets their own space to talk about their own issues. The advantage of this from a consultant point of view is that we get to see the common themes running through a business without one teams voice dominating the conversation.

Don't take our word for it

Our customers are our best brand evangelists, when we helped out FaithInvest they had some very nice things to say about us.

We had a list of all the specifications and requirements we needed, Janaid really showed us what solutions would work best and how they could be customised for FaithInvest, which showed us the value of having a Blueprint with Cirrico, we were able to do so much more because of that

Mathew Jenson - Investment Solutions Officer

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