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Salesforce for Sports Foundations

We work with sports organisations of every size and type, over the last few years we have worked with Football Foundations, The Premier League Charitable Fund which is a very large grant making foundation,  and helped many other organisations scale their work through using Salesforce technology to have more engaging conversations with fans. Automating their work, and enabling them to raise more for their foundations.

We are a Platinum and Summit Partner which are the two highest tiers within the Salesforce eco-system. We also hold the most certifications possible for nonprofit, grant making and foundation Salesforce technology.

Accelerating impact through Salesforce


Over the past few years we have worked closely with Sports Foundations and understand the key areas that matter to you. You want to be able to fundraise easily, track your supporters, impact and make gifting grants easy to do.

You want to be able to pull reports at the click of a button to measure your impact, enabling you to make data driven decisions.


We understand the challenges you face, often being a small team of passionate people needing solutions to make your time more effective.

Cirrico have implemented Salesforce for all sizes and types of Sports Foundations, and we are excited to speak to you about how we can help.

A single view of all data in one place 

Cirrico are experts in enabling your different teams to have access to the data you hold, to make the best strategic decisions. We will work with you to enable your teams to align different sets of supporter, customer and fan data to analyse, forecast and scale your foundation’s performance.

Simplify the application process to win foundation grants, or make grants 

Cirrico can help grant-makers customise grant applications based on the unique requirements for each funding opportunity easily. For any grants, grant-makers can send customised invitations to organisations they think would be a good fit. If you’re applying for grants within your organisation, Nonprofit Success Pack allows you to tag your colleagues to get their input in the opportunity in Salesforce which gives you a better chance of being successful.

Smarter fundraising
Nonprofit Success Pack allows you to fundraise in innovative and clever ways using the power of Salesforce to ensure that you can do everything in one place. It allows you to track all of your opportunities, to-do list, set reminders and tag your colleagues to collaborate easily.

It also allows you to track all donations in one portal and provides a full view which allows you to understand the opportunities for growth within your data. It allows you to run reports easily and also ensure you have the power to make data driven decisions and use your resources to grow your organisations impact, rather than making decisions based on qualitative data that isn’t always accurate.

Automate your Gift-Aid
We have the ability to automate your organisations fundraising functions, and GiftAid is one of those areas. We are able to automate the process saving you countless hours across your fundraising team.

Improve the user experience

Depending on what type of sports organisation you are, we have a solution to enable the work you do to be far more enjoyable for the user.

For individuals, finding and applying for grants takes away vital time and resources from delivering on their mission. Cirrico can make it easy for the organisations or individuals you’d like to support to find and apply for funding opportunities, making it easy for your teams to manage the grants and community outreach work. In addition enabling you to report on the way in which you use data to drive decision making moving forward with your team and board.

Making grants easily is important to foundations we speak to, we understand that you need to make the application process as easy as possible. Gathering the important information on how an organisation wants to create impact, in addition make the gift easily, then report on it effectively and efficiently with the charity or community group.

Some of the technology involved

Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) – Donation Management for Foundations

Specifically catered to work with foundations using your terminology, donations, grantees and grants. Whilst easily tracking fundraising, events, campaigns, and nurturing the donors

Programme Management Module
This is a free module within the NPSP platform to help run and track your progress of all programmes and services offered within your sports foundation.

Helping with event management is a key area to ensuring your organisations success in fundraising. We want to make sure that your organisation has access to all data to segment and ensure you get the best organisations.

Volunteers for Salesforce (V4S)

Volunteers for Salesforce (V4S) is a tool to help you manage your organisation’s volunteering program, events, and people. V4S handles many common Volunteer management processes such as:


  • Managing Volunteer jobs that your organisation needs filling to operate 
  • Tracking hours a volunteer works, hours against specific volunteer shifts, and hours and jobs for a specific event
  • Tracking the skills volunteers have and matching volunteers to jobs by skills and availability

Other features that are included but require setting up are:

  • Displaying a calendar of jobs and shifts on an organisation’s website
  • Allowing volunteers to sign up for shifts via the website
  • Allowing volunteers to report the hours they’ve worked
  • Sending email reminders for upcoming shifts to confirmed volunteers
  • Sending Thank You emails to volunteers that sing up for a shift from the website

Experience Cloud (Online Portal)
This will empower your service users that use your programmes to book sessions, coaches can easily update their Safeguarding credentials, FA training credentials, or training certificates. It enables your volunteers to apply to work along side your organisation and track their hours.

It also allows you to sell tickets to online events and easily see the attendees in one 360 view.



Accelerating impact with Salesforce

Without the sufficient technology supporting them foundations will find it very difficulty to reach their goals and carry out their mission. Below are just some of the issues that the organisation could face.


Data reporting is difficult and inefficient.


Certain fundraising tasks are being carried out manually when they could be automatically performed, such as GiftAid or donor thanking.


Disconnected teams.


Difficulty viewing various stages of the application process.


Paper-based and in-person reports which results in time consuming updates.


Lack of visibility of the organisations opportunities.


Disconnected funding systems.


Difficulty reporting impact when it comes to communicating with donors.

The benefits of Salesforce for Foundations

We know that you want to do more with the time, tools, people in your teams and the challenges you face on a daily basis. We’ve worked with foundations of every size and type and understand that we are able to support your teams where they need it. Below are some of the benefits you could gain through the use of Salesforce.


Collaboration across departments and teams.


Transparent platform for organisations to collaborate on grant applications, major donor records or events.


Automate manual tasks to save you huge amounts of time and energy, helping raise more money.


Enables your organisation to view which areas have gaps so opportunities are not missed.


Organisational impacts recorded in one place by grantees.


Easy hand-over if there is a team member onboarding.


Clear visibility on grants.


Reports can be easily generated and uploaded.

Don’t take our word for it

Our customers are our best brand evangelists, when we helped out Auditory Verbal they had some very nice things to say about us.

Salesforce enables us to produce customised reports that took so much time to extract from many disparate sources previously.

Gary Rainbird - Database and IT Manager

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