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Education Cloud Date Structure

Education Cloud  is jam packed with useful features and ripe for the flexibility that every school needs to fit their own processes in.

Core features with brilliant flexibility


Educational institutions can often find it difficult to up to speed with their Salesforce system straight away, struggling to get a single unified view of their data and to manage relationships at every stage of the journey. Providing institutions with out of the box functionality drastically reduces these issues.


We understand that educational institutions would sometimes like to avoid having to use code to manage and make changes to their Salesforce system, this can put organisations off using their Salesforce system. Having the ability to use ‘drag and drop’ methods of design make using a Salesforce system much more straightforward for educational institutions.

Making the right connections

The way the Education Cloud is set up it puts people not organisations at the centre of the systems. Connecting different people using relationship records and more formal lookup fields (the later would be the teacher of class or a parent of a young person).


Integrations made easy

By using Education Cloud organisations have access to 1000s of application in Salesforce’s App exchange. From finance to document management, advanced backup tools to territory management. Meaning organisations are able to find an app for just about anything. If just about anything isn’t quite good enough, than Salesforce architecture allows for custom built APIs to integrate with data when and where it is needed.


A build to fit any size

Education Cloud much like the rest of the Salesforce architecture holds that the pattern of the system will not change however many records the system holds.


Education Cloud

Education Cloud uses the power of the Salesforce 360 platform but tailoring to be used in Education, putting students at its heart. Below are some of the issues an organisation could encounter not using Education Cloud from Salesforce.


Unable to collaborate effectively


Only seeing small snippets of a students experience


Time consuming manual tasks


Data is spread out across multiple systems and spreadsheets


Not able to personalise student journeys with customisable touchpoints


Difficulty managing students journeys


Lack of skills in regards to coding, making the development of apps difficult


Difficulty collaborating with other institutions

Benefits of Education Cloud

Education Cloud ensures that organisation have a unified view to engage in more personalised ways with their students and those that support them, or connect and help those that need their services. Below is a list containing some of the benefits an organisation can gain by using Education Cloud


Data is stored all in one place


Key stats can be reported on within seconds


Student records are automatically updated


Personalised student portal


Track a students process as a whole


Automated email reminders


Out of the box functionality


Manage relationships with students across every step of their journey

Don’t take our word for it

Our customers are our best brand evangelists, when we helped out StreetVet they had some very nice things to say about us.

Now we have Salesforce it’s so much easier to share and view the same data together, working as a team much more seamless now!

Zoe Abbotts - Managing Director

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