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Experience Cloud

Experience Cloud enables organisations to share part of their Salesforce system with a wider group of people, at a much lower cost. This allows an organisations volunteers, members and service users to self service and engage with the organisation in a guided way.

Build an engaged community with Experience Cloud


With our world becoming increasingly online many consumers expect to be able to get their services online. Whether it is applying for grants, managing services a user receives, looking after volunteers or allowing staff to input the data they need in an easy and straightforward way. Experience Cloud is able to help organisations with all of these areas.


Experience Cloud allows organisations to show parts of their Salesforce system. They decide what data Experience Cloud users see (right from the object/tab level right down to the field and record level). Organisations also get to decide which parts of the database Experience Cloud users can add or edit data in.

A single view of all data in one place 

Experience cloud can be configured to look like an extension of an organisation’s website and their Salesforce system. The data is exactly the same data in the organisation’s Salesforce system and will be related live to their Salesforce database, this means there is no need to import and export data from your Experience Cloud.


Improve the user experience

For individuals, having one place where they go for all of the services that an organisation offers, will not only simplify the process for the organisation and their teams but also raise participation rates. Allowing users to see the progress they are making and any action they need to take. Organisations can also provide knowledge articles to Experience Cloud users to help them navigate through the user experience.


Cut out time consuming administration

Experience Cloud helps cut down on the number of emails an organisation needs to process by allowing Experience Cloud users to upload applications, documents, change of details and many more custom solutions, straight to the online portal that Experience Cloud provides. This also allows users to know that they have safely and securely received the information they wanted to share.


Experience Cloud

Allowing an organisation to share specific parts of data and their Salesforce sytem with groups of individuals outside the core organisation is key to ensuring that volunteers, members and service users have a smooth experience. Below are some of the issues an organisation not using a platform such as Experience Cloud from Salesforce could face.


Want to be able to have an online portal in which members of staff/volunteers can access certain information but do not have access to the entire system


Do not want to give certain staff members/volunteers full salesforce licenses as they would not use the system enough to warrant that level of cost


Want to provide staff with the ability to connect remote working teams and help boost collaboration and productivity


Extensions don't match the organisations branding

Experience Cloud benefits

Experience Cloud is a customisable portal designed to connect clients with service providers. An open platform that can interface with any system, configured to strengthen user and beneficiary engagement, and improve program outcomes. Below are some of the benefits an organisation can gain from using Experience Cloud.


An effective use of experience cloud can cut down on license costs without damaging productivity


Allowing customers/members to access their details and potentially change their details on experience cloud portal can cut down on administrative time that the contact centre is having to undertake


Experience Cloud enables you to create an online portal so that members of staff/volunteers that would not warrant the full cost of a license can have partial access to your salesforce system. This way of working allows an administrator to select which objects within your salesforce system a community cloud user can edit


Easy to customise the extensions Experience Cloud provides, enabling all extensions to match the organisations branding

Don’t take our word for it

Our customers are our best brand evangelists, when we helped out Jigsaw they had some very nice things to say about us.

Working with Cirrico was a dream, from the first email with Grace to the first meeting with Mark and then getting set up with Sam, the entire team has been instrumental in helping Jigsaw achieve it’s fundraising mission, and thanks to Cirrico’s team knowing so much about the nonprofit sector...

Elaine O'Dowd - Jigsaw

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