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Delivering Managed Services From A Consultants POV

Managed Services at Cirrico is a brilliant way to supplement your current technical set up, providing you with the expertise to allow your organisation to push forward and succeed.

What difference can a Managed Services package from Cirrico provide?

With so much expertise in the not-for-profit and the third sector. We understand the challenges that organisations like yours are going through. We can also draw on a raft of solutions that myself and the team have built. Meaning that not only are solutions brought to your organisations much fast but also with a greater technical depth of knowledge combined with the industry expertise that our staff hold.

We can provide training for your staff on your salesforce set up, it doesn’t even have to be one that we have built. We can also integrate third-party applications and advise on which ones would be best for your organisation. We can set up online portals, create automation (including scheduled emails) and let you know about the latest updates and new features that salesforce are bringing in.


What our customers say!

We work with a variety of organisations with all different types of missions. We worked with The Asfari Foundation and provided them with a Managed Services package that helped accelerate their impact. When we spoke to Mohamed Eisa from The Asfari Foundation he said “My advice to similar small-sized nonprofits interested in using Salesforce as a CRM/GMS would be to ensure they factor in the resources required to ensure they have the right specialised support to make the best use of the system. A Managed Service contract with Cirrico has enabled us to fill that Salesforce technical experience gap and ensure we keep our system running and don’t suffer interruptions to our operations”.

To find out more about the amazing work we carried out for The Asfari Foundation, read their Success Story here.


My favourite part of delivering Managed Services

The favourite part for me of delivering Managed Service is that you get to see the very real impact that your changes are making. For example, one of my previous clients is a charity that has shops across the country. The changes that I was able to put in to that organisation led to more customers receiving support and a better overall Service. I could see this in the numbers that were coming through on the reports.

There is also the problem-solving element to Managed Services. When clients come to us for the problem, I don’t see it as such. I see a challenge to work out what the solution is to this problem. In some cases, this won’t be a technical response, however, working on the art of the possible is where we can see real innovation within your system. Helping your organisation move forward.


How would you advise people looking to have a Managed Services partner?

Before you even start engaging with Managed Service partners, have a plan as to what you would be wanting them to do within the first few months. Breaking it down into what you would want a salesforce partner should do by three months, six months, and 12 months. This will be really beneficial in outlining the expectations that you have of yourself or partner and how your salesforce partner should approach the work that they want you to do.

Furthermore, having a named decision-makers (between 2–3), able to marshal the internal tickets and decide on what is important for the organisation. Whilst also gaining more knowledge about the system to make more informed choices about how certain internal tasks should be approached will be incredibly beneficial. A Managed Service from any partner, unless it provides you with full time embedded staff within your organisation, will not have the insight that your staff will have. Also, in powering your staff and giving them the training in order for them to advise other staff in your organisation will make sure that your organisation runs much more smoothly. As you have quicker access to technical resources within your organisation.


Interested in a Managed Services package from Cirrico?

If you’re interested in receiving a Managed Services package from Cirrico, or have any questions regarding a Managed Services package then get in contact with us now!

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