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Why You Should Use Grant Management!

Here at Cirrico we understand the daily difficulties grant makers face, largely due to the time-consuming manual administrative tasks. Wouldn’t it be useful if you had a suit of reusable, smart and modular applications that could be used to connect with clients? This is exactly what Salesforce Grant Management is.

Issues Grant Management Can Solve

One of the issues that grant makers face is that the applicants have a poor experience applying. This is due to the application process taking excessive amounts of time and/or applicants not being able to easily edit previously filled in sections. Both of these factors make the application process tedious and time consuming. One of the biggest issues we’ve seen grant makers having is that they still have some aspects of the application which are paper-based! Manual uploading and processing of applications increase the time required for grantees to fill out their application, adding more time to a fundraiser who already has a heavy workload.


Grant makers often struggle to get a clear view at their data; making it difficult to create reports, clearly see a breakdown of which sectors grants have been given to, create clear and concise reports for board members, and easily see all of the nonprofits applying for grants.

Improve The Grantee Experience

Grant Management helps grant makers improve the grantee experience, this is done through simplifying the application process. Grant Management reduces the time and manual work required when applying to applications, grantees are provided with templates that are based on the specific requirements of each application. The platform also provides grant makers with the option to send invites to organisations who they believe would be a good fit for the funding opportunity. The decision making process can also be streamlined through the use of Grant Management, providing users with only the sections that reviewers need to see. The solution also keeps a record of all the feedback they provide.

Make The Most Out Of Your Data With Salesforce

As Grant Management is a Salesforce platform, you get all the benefits of using a Salesforce system. Grant Management provides grant makers with the ability to have a 360 view of grantees applications, communications, services and awards. Salesforce provides organisations with data rich visuals and allows for reports to be made swiftly, this provides grant makers with a clear view on their financial status. If the grant maker works in numerous sectors this information can easily be reported on, being able to see who/where grants have been allocated in real time. All of these factors ensure that grant makers can build detailed reports and gain insights into their data.

How Grant Management Impacted The Big 6!

The Salesforce implementation that Global Youth Mobilisation received is fully comprehensive and is used throughout their grant-giving process.  An example of how Salesforce is used throughout the grant making process is provided by how the panellists decide upon which ideas and projects should be provided with grants. The panellists are provided with all of the projects to review  via Salesforce, they then answer questions regarding the project; questions like are the outcomes & activities achievable, is the application youth led, does the project adhere to Covid guidelines, and most importantly should the project be funded. The platform also allows for the panellists to add any comments they have regarding the project, such as potential advice on how they can achieve funding and where they need to make improvements. 


Ashley Tee from Global Youth Mobilisation stated that “The best part of our Salesforce is that everything is in one place, on previous projects we’ve had spreadsheets with information on and this made finding the data difficult. Now if someone needs the information I can just send them the Salesforce link”.

Are You Interested In Grant Management?

If you’re interested in implementing Grant Management, or any Salesforce solution, contact the experts at Cirrico! We provide a variety of organisations with bespoke Salesforce solutions and would love to help you on your Salesforce journey! Click the button below to get in contact with us and begin your journey with Cirrico!

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