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Why Change Management Is Critical For A Salesforce Implementation

Implementing Salesforce can be a transformative process for large nonprofits, but it also requires significant change within the nonprofit. The success of a Salesforce implementation depends not just on technical expertise, but also on effective change management. Below are some key reasons why change management is critical for a successful Salesforce implementation in large nonprofits.

Ensures stakeholder buy-in

A Salesforce implementation impacts multiple stakeholders across the nonprofit, from staff to donors. Effective change management helps ensure that these stakeholders are engaged and supportive of the new system. By involving stakeholders early and often in the process, and by communicating clearly and transparently about the changes, change management can help build buy-in and reduce resistance.


Facilitates staff training

Staff will need to be trained on how to use the new Salesforce system effectively. Change management can help facilitate this training by identifying which staff members will require training, and by creating a training plan that is tailored to their specific needs. By investing in comprehensive training and support, nonprofits can ensure that staff are prepared to use the new system confidently and effectively.


Helps manage expectations

Implementing Salesforce is a major undertaking that requires significant time and resources. Change management can help manage expectations by communicating clearly about the timeline, costs, and expected outcomes of the implementation. By setting realistic expectations upfront, nonprofits can avoid disappointment or frustration down the line.


Reduces risk

Any major change to an nonprofits operations carries a degree of risk. Change management can help identify potential risks and develop strategies to address them. By proactively identifying and addressing risks, nonprofits can reduce the likelihood of major setbacks during the implementation process.


Ensures sustainability

The success of a Salesforce implementation depends not just on the initial implementation, but on its ongoing sustainability. Change management can help ensure that the new system is integrated into the nonprofits culture and operations in a way that promotes ongoing success. By cultivating a culture of continuous improvement, nonprofits can ensure that the Salesforce system remains effective and relevant over time.


In summary, effective change management is critical for a successful Salesforce implementation in large nonprofits. Change management can help maximise the benefits of the new system and drive greater efficiency, engagement, and impact for any nonprofit.

Interested in implementing Salesforce?

If you’re looking to implement Salesforce for your nonprofit then get in contact with Cirrico. Our experts will be happy to discuss how Salesforce can accelerate the impact of your nonprofit.

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