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What You Need To Know About Grants Management

Grants Management Is An Extra Licence Cost

Sales & Service Cloud Enterprise Edition + Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) and Sales Cloud Enterprise Edition + Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) do include Basis Inbound Grants features. However, the features that I am about to mention are an extra cost and charged per user. If you have any questions about pricing of Grant Management, check the website or speak to your Salesforce Account Executive.

Connect The Funding To The Programme

With Grant Management you can link the grant that is being received or sent out with the programme that it is contributing to. This allows you to see when money is being paid, when reporting deadlines have to be met and how to grant and the programme is moving through every stage of its journey.

Create A Closed Online Community For Your Applicants/Funders

With Grand Management you will receive an online portal (also known as Experience Cloud/Communities). This is where applicants will be able to see live updates on their application, upload supporting documents and update contact/payment details. Funders will also be able to update contact details and see live updates on projects in a secure & private online portal.


Grant Management Makes The Most Of Salesforce’s Reporting Capabilities

You have pre-built reports from Programme Management the ability to draw out any data in your salesforce system. You can also edit these reports and build your own. You even have dashboards with graphs and charts preinstalled with Grant Management, so you can see your key metrics at a glance. Pro tip: you can schedule reports to email you that report on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Build An Application Process That Works For You

With Grant management you can create a multi stage application process, within single or multiple forms. These forms can not only create the standard records you need to progress the grant application but also input data into the custom objects you create as well. If your application forms are currently on another platform (Form Assembly, Typeform etc). Cirrico can work with you to either move those forms into Salesforce or build connectors to your Salesforce org.

