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Worlds ahead: Organising for a better future with One Young World

One Young World


Sales Cloud, Integration, AppExchange Apps (ISV)

Delivering Sucess

All-encompassing management system
Maximising efficiency
Empowering futures


Imagine 12,000 of the brightest, most impassioned, and most influential young people, joining together in a global collective determined to build a better world. Now imagine how we felt when that collective – One Young World – asked us to help them organise.

One Young World’s annual global summits bring 1,800 delegates from more than 190 countries together to meet, inspire, learn, coordinate, and understand. Four days of workshops, panels, networking, and the chance to listen to business and humanitarian leaders like Justin Tredeaux and Meghan Markle: it’s an awe-inspiring feat that needs jaw-droppingly efficient management tools to prepare.


Our first step was to understand who puts in the legwork to make the summit happen, and how. We wanted to devise a system that worked to their exact requirements, simplifying every last task, freeing up as many hours as possible, making it easy for ambitious planners to think bigger than even they ever had.

We used Salesforce Contacts and Accounts to bring information about 12,000 ambassadors, 1,800 attendees, suppliers, partner organisations and even partnership opportunities into one place. This allows for everything from printing name badges to paying invoices to be automated, updated and communicated with the touch of a button.

Acting as rocket fuel to all teams, from marketing to finance, the new system has revolutionised the planning of future summits. Marketing campaigns can be tracked, social media plans coordinated, partners and contributors contacted, reports created, and forms sent, received, and logged with absolute efficiency. The system integrates with both Cvent and Xeroand is completely GDPR compliant, with variable permissions levels for all users ensuring absolute security.

While we work with the best technology of its kind, we know that it is people that make the difference. So the next stage in this transformation was training those who would use the technology, letting them know exactly how to make it work for them. The new system could rid hours of work from their weeks, we made sure that they had no doubt about the upcoming rise in their productivity, capability, and impact on the charity’s success.


One Young World now boasts an all-encompassing management system, operated by its hyper-motivated, compassionate, ambitious team of world-changers. With Salesforce in place to harness the drive behind the people at the charity, there’s no telling what the future might hold.

At Cirrico, we turn up at work every day and look for ways to change the world for good. We can do this by empowering people to reimagine their future, whilst providing them with the tools and confidence to make it a reality. This project was a little different for us; rarely have we worked with an organisation that has such an abundance of imagination, optimism, and drive to chase a different future. We were privileged to help with their mission.

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