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Home » Success Stories » Planting the seeds of change at agricultural college: Reaseheath College looks to Cirrico to cultivate better admissions processes

Planting the seeds of change at agricultural college: Reaseheath College looks to Cirrico to cultivate better admissions processes

Rasenheath College


Sales Cloud, Pardot

Delivering success

Intuitive admissions system
Maximising efficiency
A sustainable future


Shepherding more than 3,500 students onto higher and further education courses and apprenticeships was a challenge for Reaseheath College. One of the UK’s top land-based colleges – preparing students for careers in land-based industries like farming, horticulture and conservation – the school approached Cirrico to find out more about keeping admissions simple, efficient, and engaging.

With years of experience in the higher education sector, we began by holding Discovery Workshops with the college to get an understanding of its processes, challenges, and potential. Keeping track of applications was a sprawling procedure, with disjointed systems and processes meaning that forms completed by students online were stored in one place, while an array of other application details and student information was kept elsewhere.


Reaseheath College now has an intuitive, all-encompassing admissions system in place, which links with its third-party partners such as UCAS and enables efficient communication with prospective students. Thanks to Salesforce technology and our understanding of the education sector, college staff save hours of time on manual tasks, leaving them with more capacity to focus on developing the school and serving their students.

At Cirrico, our biggest hope is that we can help to build a more efficient and sustainable future, where people use technology as a force for good, to care for each other and the world we live in. Supporting Reaseheath College has allowed us to contribute in our own way towards the education of thousands of young people training for careers in a host of environmental fields, who we hope will go on to look after the planet and the people in it.


The college needed a system that would store all information in one place and allow for any student’s whole application to be viewed on one screen. This would need to integrate with UCAS, and should enable staff to run reports and analysis to keep a check on the wider picture and pinpoint any issues.

We worked in collaboration with the college, using Salesforce Sales Cloud and Design, to create a system that would deliver all this, exactly to the college’s spec. Collaboration was key to the success of this project, allowing us to address every nuance in the college’s admissions process to create a powerful, perfectly usable tool. We ensured that staff members were well versed in its workings and capabilities to guarantee a high rate of user adoption.

To take on the challenge of communication with prospective students – an essential stage of the admissions procedure – we designed a Pardot system to facilitate near-effortless email campaigns. A simple template ensures that email content is automatically branded as per the college’s design, and can be synced with SalesCloud data when sending to students.




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