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Why Net Zero Cloud?


Net Zero Cloud is a carbon accounting solution for organisations to analyse their carbon data. This allows them to make informed decisions about how best to reduce their carbon footprint and reduce the impact their organisation is having on the environment. Net Zero Cloud allows organisations to track their various emissions such as travel, running buildings, production of goods and much more.


Carbon accounting can be tedious and incredibly time-consuming for an organisation. It can take months to gather data, log the data and then calculate their emissions. Having to manually calculate emissions through the use of gathered data logs also means that there is a chance that the end result is inaccurate. This is why it is important for organisations to use a technological solution, such as Net Zero Cloud, to help them calculate their carbon data.

We spoke with Cameron Black, Central Operations Manager at Street Soccer, to understand how Street Soccer as an organisation currently work towards calculating their emissions and their plans moving forward.

We spoke to Cameron Black, Central Operations Manager At Street Soccer, about why Street Soccer is looking at Net Zero Cloud as a future solution for their carbon accounting. Cameron explained “we have always tried to align ourselves with the UN Sustainability goals. We have always had the goal of positively impacting the goals we were working towards but also aiming to never negatively impact any of the Sustainability goals”. Street Soccer are currently using specially designed spreadsheets alongside the emission factor, a government issued document to convert processes and items to CO2, to track their emissions. These spreadsheets contain information on gas & electrics, fuel for vehicles, staff mileage claims, home working factors, and other factors. Collating all this data is a time consuming task and comes with a degree of difficulty in regards to calculating total output of emissions, this is why Street Soccer are interested in implementing Net Zero Cloud from Salesforce in the future.

Street Soccer is making great improvements to reduce their emissions. They are installing LED lights, replacing boilers, have access to free train travel in Scotland, actively reduce their use of single-use plastic, and doing much more to benefit the environment. The next step in their development is moving towards Net Zero Cloud, the Salesforce solution will make collating the data easier and it will also remove the need for manual calculations. Cameron explained, “when speaking with other organisations who have implemented Net Zero Cloud I know that it will do exactly what we want it to do, input baseline data, monitor impact and help reduce the impact”.

Learn More About Net Zero Cloud

If you’re interested in learning more about Net Zero Cloud then watch the demo video below to understand just how impactful Net Zero Cloud can be!

Want To Know More About Net Zero Cloud?

If you’re interested in learning more about Net Zero Cloud or are looking to implement Net Zero Cloud, then get in contact with the experts at Cirrico. Our Salesforce experts will be happy to discuss the benefits of Net Zero Cloud and showcase just how impactful it could be for your organisation!

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