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One Young World - Technology to Accelerate Young Leaders Voices to Create Lasting Impact

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Nonprofit Success Pack

Saving time across the organisation
Enabling decisions to be driven by data
All data in one place

Laura Croudace, Head of Impact at Cirrico recently sat down for a virtual chat with Stefan Kovacevic, Director of Global Partnerships at One Young World, a non-profit that works to identify, promote and connect young leaders from around the globe with the aim of creating a better world through responsible, more effective leaderships through networks and programmes.

Cirrico recently linked up with One Young World ahead of the annual One Young World Summit, an annual even that is one to watch! The event brings together some of the brightest young talent from more than 190 countries and across a variety of sectors, working together to accelerate positive social impact through responsible leadership. With over 1,800 young leaders set to attend this next years event, both in person and digitally, as well as the array of investors and partners, keeping a track of everything takes more than an A4 notepad and a HB pencil.

Featuring illustrious speakers such as as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Megan Markle, to name but two, the event attracts a huge amount of attendees, all of whom then become part of the One Young World global family. Delegates who attend the One Young World Summit then become One Young World Ambassadors, returning to their communities and organisations motivated and possessing the ability to inspire and educate.


And this is where Cirrico and Salesforce stepped in. As Stefan explains,

“The reason One Young World implemented Salesforce was because One Young World wanted a create a “single source of truth”; a complete and streamlined database for all Ambassadors, clients and leads. With such a huge event, as well as the incredible number of people, programmes and ventures involved in all aspects of the organisation, being able to turn to a complete and thorough database will provide the ‘clean data’ needed. Before we had Salesforce we had data held in many different places, and to efficiently run an event of our size in the middle of a pandemic we needed to ensure we had the best tool possible, which is why we implemented Salesforce!”

Salesforce’s influence

While much of the focus for One Young World and the majority of non-profits is on the programmes and projects used to create a positive social impact, but there is a corporate side that is crucial to funding the amazing work being done around the world. Salesforce has given the organisation the ability to create extensive annual impact reports that allow One Young World to get a clear look at the social return on investment from all the programmes and projects taking place. For example, as Stefan highlights, where the report will look at the cost of educating teachers in different countries around the world. It also allows One Young World to run scholarship programmes for those investment partners looking to provide access to the event to young people outside their organisation.

According to Stefan, Salesforce has saved the organisation a significant amount of time, as well as giving the team sole platform to keep a track of everything in a much easier way than before. Rather than having to prepare detailed reports for finance meetings, the team is able to simply run off a report that provides him and his team with all the information required. When it comes to bringing in funding to the organisation, this clean source of data can end up being the difference between securing an investment and not.

Stefan shared: “I know that Salesforce has saved the team around 10 hours a week each by having Salesforce automate, and provide reports at the click of a button, thanks to the training that Cirrico provided it’s meant everyone can use the system efficiently.”

Tech is the truth

Technology clearly plays a big role in much of what One Young World, and Stefan has a message for those nonprofits that don’t think tech is for them: “You’re lying to yourselves.”

Having spent time using Trialhead to learn how to adopt Salesforce into his role, Stefan is able to use technology to deal with the huge amount of data involved in all aspects of his job, and he admits this saves him time and headaches on a regular basis.

With so much data involved, not only from the organisation’s annual summit, but the amazing projects going on around the world 12 months of the year, Salesforce and technology as a whole, there’s no wonder One Young World have been so happy with how the system has helped them grow as an organisation.

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