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Big 6 - Helping Global Youth Mobilization Improve Lives With Salesforce

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All information is collated in Salesforce, no longer spread throughout numerous spreadsheets.
Salesforce helped launch a unique call for applications to a Global Fund for Local Solutions to the impacts of the pandemic, providing all young people around the world with an opportunity to apply for vital funds.
Applications, reviews, money disbursements and midterm reporting is done through Salesforce, saving countless hours .

We all know that things are different in the world right now during Covid, and many young people want to make a difference to their communities and the people that it is home to. But, how do you do this remotely in a challenging world? Cirrico worked rapidly to enable young people to do just that through it’s work with the Global Youth Mobilization.

Global Youth Mobilization is a movement of young people taking action to improve their lives now in a post-pandemic world. The project is powered by  the Big Six Youth Organisations and is supported by the World Health Organisation and United Nations Foundation.

The Big Six  Youth Organisations are;

Together, the Big Six actively involve and engage more than 250 million young people, contributing to the empowerment of more than one billion young people during the last century

Today’s generation of young people will be disproportionately affected by the long-lasting consequences of the pandemic.The Global Youth Mobilization is focused on supporting young people to overcome the impacts of education disruption; the impact on mental and physical health; job losses; increases in domestic and gender based violence and many more challenges. 

How do you successfully attract young people with different languages, internet speeds, ideas, ages and technical knowledge to feel confident enough to apply for a grant? Whilst also allowing the platform to be completely transparent, allow young people to view all of the applications, grade them, sort through them, and also make the winning applications payments through one portal?

The Global Youth Mobilization wanted to ensure that they had the best plan and decided to move forward to capture everyone’s needs with a Define and Plan. This is where we bring stakeholders together who can provide insights, guidance, knowledge and help scope the project so it has amazing ROI, and Cirrico gets a full picture of everything needed to enable us to make clear and considered recommendations.

After they’d worked through the Define and Plan the first stage of a Cirrico implementation where the project goal is outlined, our Salesforce experts identified which solutions would be the best fit for Global Youth Mobilization. These solutions were; Nonprofit Starter Pack, Grants Management Module, Experience Cloud and FormAssembly

These solutions combined provided Global Youth Mobilization with the ability to efficiently handle Grant applications and collect feedback from the panel that either approves or rejects the applications.

The Global Youth Mobilization needed a brand new solution as the project represented a unique challenge whereby six organizations were coming together for the first time to attract young people to apply for grants. Everything needed to be accessible in multiple languages, hold all data in one place from applications, contact details of parents if the young people were under 18, have the ability to review, disperse and track impact of the projects which they funded.

When we spoke to Ashely Tee from Global Youth Mobilization about working with Cirrico she stated, “The whole team  was really good at helping us think through and streamline the application process”. This highlights the point that here at Cirrico we are laser focused on delivering the best solutions for each organisation we work with, creating bespoke solutions to accelerate their impact and that our Salesforce experts go above and beyond to make sure the implementation is successfully delivered.

The Salesforce implementation that Global Youth Mobilisation received is fully comprehensive and is used throughout their grant-giving process.  An example of how Salesforce is used throughout the grant making process is provided by how the panellists decide upon which ideas and projects should be provided with grants. The panellists are provided with all of the projects to review  via Salesforce, they then answer questions regarding the project; questions like are the outcomes & activities achievable, is the application youth led, does the project adhere to Covid guidelines, and most importantly should the project be funded. The platform also allows for the panellists to add any comments they have regarding the project, such as potential advice on how they can achieve funding and where they need to make improvements.

Ashley went on to explain that, “The best part of our Salesforce is that everything is in one place, on previous projects we’ve had spreadsheets with information on and this made finding the data difficult. Now if someone needs the information I can just send them the Salesforce link”

When we asked Ashley what her advice would be for other nonprofits, she stated “Put the power in the users hands! We wanted the young people and youth-led organisations we are supporting to be a part of the Global Youth Mobilization from day one. It was so important to us that the people who were going to use the platform were included in all of the decisions and also take part now in choosing the young people’s projects which we will fund”.

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